
Global Health Innovation and Missions


$500 Enroll

Full course description

In an increasingly interconnected world, global health issues demand attention and innovative solutions. This program offers a unique opportunity to gain a deep understanding of the global health landscape and provides the tools necessary to make a positive impact.

Explore the intricate landscape of global health through an innovative lens, all while embracing a Christian perspective. This non-credit-bearing, online course is designed to equip learners with the knowledge and skills needed to address the challenges and complexities of global health, emphasizing the importance of cultural humility, ethical considerations and creative problem-solving. Join us on this expedition to cultivate creative thinking, compassionate action and proactive engagement in global health endeavors.


What You'll Learn:


     Evaluate and apply the principles of cultural humility in the context of global health work.

     Gain knowledge of the challenges involved in delivering healthcare to diverse populations in low and middle-income countries.

     Explore innovative solutions co-created by health professionals and communities.

     Understand the ethical considerations involved in global health work, including cultural competency and community engagement.

     Drive sustainable change, promote health equity and improve health outcomes in diverse global contexts.